All quiet on the Neighbourhood Planning Front? Not at all!
The Steering Committee are beavering away very hard in the background, woring on draugting up a comprenehsive questionnaire, which is being developed using the the responses to our initial consultations earlier in the year.
We hope to get it out mid-September - to all houses in Grimsargh, with three weeks for you to complete and return it. Anyone 16 or over
can fill it in, so additional copies will be available in the Village Hall and the Post Office and also to download from this site.
What might alter that timing are getting answers from the authorities on what can and cannot be considered.
We really cannot stress too strongly the importance of this questionnaire. It will be used to shape the plan for our Villa
ge for the next generation - and will also be invaluable in contributing the "Evidence Base" - which is essential for establishing that our Plan is robust.
In the meantime .............. you know that one and only float in the Field Day Parade? Well......that was us (see photo). Might not have been absolutely obvious, as our signage didn't actually say "Grimsargh Neighbourhood Plan" - but was very good and was donated for free. To add to any possible lack of clarity, we hi-jacked a gang of ukulele players on the day to give us some "sounds" and and add to the mystique. Hey - it was Field Day - anything goes!
We also had a stall on the Field were we were able to engage with interested locals, answer questions and had out additional copies of our Newsletter to those from outside the area, who were also interested.
So - it's far from quiet - watch this space......