The questionnaire was circulated around all properties in Grimsargh, was available to download online and also to complete online.
In total we received 264 completed questionnaires, which is absolutely fabulous - thank you!
In order to ensure complete transparency, we commissioned a professional company, RCU Market Research Ltd, to carry out the data crunching and produce a report summarising the results of the data analysis.
We asked them to split out a lot of the results by regions of the Village. However, having now read the report, we realise this breakdown did not give us a great deail of additional information on the housing section.
Therefore there is an "abridged" version of the report available for you to download here.
We have also removed the appendix containing the original blank questionnaire - making it a more digestible 52 pages long.
However - if you're a real stickler for the finer details, you can download the complete full 94 page long report here.
We are now studying the report, in order to start work on formulating draft proposed policies. There is a huge amount of work still to be done and we will be engaging with you at every step.