We were surprised and delighted by the volumes and quality of responses to our Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaires.
You have been fantastic in the amount of time and thought that have gone into what you have had to say.
In order to ensure complete transparency in the interpretations given to the results, we engaged a professional firm to carry out an analysis. You can read the full results, via the Questionnaire results page.
The report covers all the broad statistics and key threads to the written responses. This gives us what we need in order to be able to progress on to the next steps of the Neighbourhood Plan preparation. However, we are very aware there was a wealth of commentary and we shall be continuing to read and re-read that in order to fully understand the issues that you are most interested in. This will form a Parish Action Plan (or whatever we decide to call it!) which will cover the "softer" side to what people really want for the Village.
Those of you who expressed an interest in getting involved - we will be in touch - either to signpost you to organisations that already exist, or to invite you to discussions to determine what a group of like-minded folk can do to set up what they want to see developed.
Watch this space.
If any of you feel that you missed an opportunity to put your name forward for getting involved. Fear not - simply email our Chair: lindsay.philipson@grimsarghparishcouncil.org.