The Questionnaire - 4. About homes (including Affordable Housing)

This is a key section in the questionnaire and is all about potential future housing needs and developments in the village.

All of this is governed by Planning Policies – which have a number of tiers: National, Regional, Local and (in some cases) Neighbourhood. There is a very great deal iof detail in the first three of those, but to give some insight:

National – this is the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) - see website. This is a long and highly complex set of policies. Perhaps one of the most pivotal statements is that in Clause 14 which says:

“At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking.

Regional - for us this is the Central Lancashire Core Strategy - see website. The Parish Council became actively involved in the consultation on this – starting back in 2010. We submitted a number of responses on the Area of Separation policy and also on specific sites that were put forward in and around Grimsargh. Many of you may remember the meeting held at the Village Hall on the subject.

There are a number of policies within the Core Strategy that are most pertinent to Grimsargh and you may wish to read:

Policy 1 – Locating Growth

Policy 19 Areas of Separation

Local – for us this is the Preston Local Plan - see website. This supports the Central Lancashire Core Strategy. All of the Local Plan affects us in some way, but those sections most pertaining to ldevelopment on land within Grimsargh can be found within: 

-  Development within Existing Villages - paras 4.25 to 4.28 and Policy AD1(b)

-  Rural Exception Affordable Housing - paras 5.43 to 5.46 and Policy HS4

-  Development in the Open Countryside - paras 8.4 to 8.6 and Policy EN1

-  Areas of Separation - para 8.11 and Policy EN4

-  Community Facilities and Related Uses - para 9.13 and Policy WB2

Neighbourhood Plan - developing one of those for Grimsargh is precisely what this exercise is all about. You can find the government's explanation for Neighbourhood Planning here.


Most of the questions in this section have a range of four options, Strongly Agree, Aree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. You should select one of those options for each of the elements in the tables.

Affordable Housing - a term often heard used, but for which there is a myriad of definitions.You can find a Planning Definition Here

The mechanism for making housing afforable within Preston "The Preston Model" is as follows:   

The model works on the principle that the discount (33% or 20%) depending on viability of the scheme, is passed onto the purchaser and secured by a second charge or a restrictive covenant.

Within the S106 Agreement there will be the following;

  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Approved Person
  • Restrictive Covenants

Some schemes have a restricted covenant for a minimum period of 35 years, stating that the seller must market the property at the discounted price (33% or 20%) which is set by the Local Authority.

There are also restrictions to the person or persons buying the property as above; they will have to complete an application form and submit it to the Local Authority and can only  purchase the property once approved.

The affordable price for the unit is based on local income i.e. joint income of £45K x 3.5 = £157.500.

Prices can range for a two bedroom unit after discount £95k -£120K

Three bedroom unit from £125K - £135K

Concerning Shared Ownership or Affordable Rent; the local authority can ask for restrictions as above..

An illustration of the eligibility criteria for Longridge is available here.


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