The Questionnaire - 6. About transport

6.2 - information required on under 16s. If there are none in your houshold - just leave blank.

Public Rights of Way (PROWs) - these have a place in law - footpaths and bridleways that the public have a nationally recognised right to use - and landowners have a duty to maintain.

You can find out all about the PROWs in our area on a fabulously useful online tool called MARIO - run and maintained by LCC. This mapping facility contains up to date information on a swathe of map features including PROWs. It is not the easiest or most intuitive tool to use, but to see the PROWs you need to turn on that level under the tab " Countryside Environment And Waste" on the left hand side. Click the box for Public Rights of Way. You can zoom in to whatever level of detail you wish - even house number! If you've not used MARIO before and are interested in maps you will find it fascinating.


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